Yashow clothing market was another fake-goods haven. Things sold here were similar to other fake-goods-stores but Yashow is bigger than Hong Qiao... but nevertheless not my cuppa tea again!
Beijing is a clean & tidy city with mixture of modern buildings and historical structures. Compare to Dubai, Beijing structure has its own identity and build by its own people. There seems to be SOUL in Beijing!
For my 7days stay in Beijing, I never seen anyone spat or thrown rubbish on the street. Many thanks to Olympic2008 in which the government took a huge effort to educate the public.
For my 7days stay in Beijing, I never seen anyone spat or thrown rubbish on the street. Many thanks to Olympic2008 in which the government took a huge effort to educate the public.
I always felt hungry mainly because of its FREEZING weathers (-10 to -15)! Hot foods were the best!Before we boarded the plane to Beijing, our team-leader Cindi has warned us not to complain China's foods publicly. Due to differences in culture and weather, Beijing likes saltier and sweeter food, thus the cooks will tried their best to accommodate us. For a table of 10 person, we will have 10 dishes and minimum 7/10 will be vegetables. Beside breakfast, we technically had similar dishes for the last 4days!
Usually there will one Fish dishes, one pork, one soup and there rest were veges. I have no complain about their portion and tastes, just the limited varieties. In some big restaurant they did tag the dished with the cook numbers, for quality control purposes I guess...
This was the last "similar" dishes I had, as the tour-guide is an experience guy thus they know by the 4th day, we would have TOOOOOOOOOOOO much of these. LOL!
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